Cheung Chau coast watching station(Yellow).jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Cheung Chau coast watching station(Yellow).jpg

Cheung Chau coast watching station(Yellow).jpg


How do we know this watching station ( yellow ) photo was being taken on 1950s Cheung Chau?

To my understanding, there was no other nearby building overlooking it, if it was on CC.

The white patches on the ground, in the yard and over the roof are all look like snow blankets after a heavy snowfall, maybe a while ago! Was it possible to check the weather record of the time indicated for such confirmation ?

Looking at the shadows casted on by the sunlight, the wall with an entrance should be at the southern perimenter of the site..

Head Spinning!!




Hi Tung,

I believe there is an existing and related node:


Thanks for tons of clues from the other photos suggested at gwulo. I am satisfied, except if there wasn't any snowfall, then what was the white stuff in the photo ?

or it was really after a snowfall, a rare weather happened!

