13 Jul 1943, John Charter's wartime journal | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

13 Jul 1943, John Charter's wartime journal

Date(s) of events described: 
Tue, 13 Jul 1943

The Commissioner of Police, Mr Pennefather-Evans, was arrested by the Japanese on Sunday morning and has been detained with the others ever since. He was called away from Holy Communion. That now makes eleven. I cannot imagine what charge has been brought against him. Both the Commissioner of Police and the DCP are now awaiting trial. I wonder if the Japanese are scared about firearms and think the police may have brought some with them.

Yesterday I received another letter – or rather postcard – from Aunt E. Y and I have been lucky with letters. In it, she mentions the costume I sent home to Betty by the Mollem’s and the costume material I had sent to her by John Theobald, both for Xmas 1941. I hoped they had got these things, but I knew that British authorities had tightened up their regulations concerning clothing and wondered if, because of the voucher regulations, they would encounter difficulties. I hope they did not. So Jim and Mary Collier are both married. It makes me begin to feel old when my young cousins start marrying. This card was dated 27th September 1942.