28 Aug 1944, John Charter's wartime journal | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

28 Aug 1944, John Charter's wartime journal

Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 28 Aug 1944

The only snag about sudden, stupendous days of news is that life has to return again to its narrow little rut, and the rut is apt to look rather smaller than usual by comparison with the gala day. However, news is still good and our troops are doing splendidly in France. If only I could be there doing something instead of just sitting and waiting and waiting for news and worrying about stupid, petty little troubles!

Today is David’s birthday (Yvonne’s brother) and he will be 9 years old. What a change we will see in him when we eventually meet; he was not quite 5 when he and Chère were evacuated. Yvonne celebrated her birthday on 6th August and our programme was much the same as that on my birthday, ending up with a select gathering in Maudie’s room. I managed to beat out from an aluminium fan blade a plate and two spoons. I riveted brass handles onto the spoons (for strength) and if we could keep them polished they would look quite smart. These by the way were Y’s birthday present, for we were short of plates and spoons. The china plates belonging to Isa and Mr Lammert have gradually been broken and spoons have mysteriously vanished.

We hear the parcels may arrive some time this week. Most of us had given up all of hope of ever seeing them. I certainly had. Well, we haven’t got them yet!