Wanchai Road before 1920 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Wanchai Road before 1920

I have been reading a lot of info about Wanchai Road and wonder if anybody has anything to say about the road from around 1890 to 1918. My great grandfather and great grandmother John Olson and Ching Ah Fung died there in 1918 and 1915 respectively at No 98. I think the lot was also was also a business premises.

I assume it moved back with the reclamation programmes. I was under the impression that 98 looked out across the harbour.

Sorry to be vague but it might ring a bell with somebody.




Sean, there are some maps of the area in this article.

The 1889 map shows its unlikely they were on the seafront (unless they were on the corner plot), but may well have had a sea view from upper floors if it was a tall building:

Wanchai 1889

Regards, David

Thanks for the map and the reference. I suspect 98 was a pretty big lot. There were at least two apartments 98a and 98b. There was also business carried out there. So perhaps it is likely that the buildings to the right of the map are the ones that I am looking for.

The references to the Seaman's Hospital are interesting given that John1's youngest brother Anders died in the Seaman's Hospital on March 21, 1872. He was certainly living nearby when the smallpox overcame him.

Is there any Land Registry record of those days still left? If there is I assume that 98 Wanchai Road must be mentioned.

Finally, th lot was being used as a business haadquarters for a short time around 1921 by C.E.Warren Ltd. See www.thehongkonglegacy.com.

Thanks again.  Sean

If you know the lot number, you can go and look it up at IRIS. The couple of times I've paid to see a result, it shows the detail right back to it's first owner.