Mohan's Building [1963-2013] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Mohan's Building [1963-2013]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
Date Place demolished: 

On the corner of Peking & Hankow Roads.

Photos that show this place


I've added in dates based on notes from philk:

The block here at 14-16 Hankow Road - Mohan's Building (built 1963) and featured on the James Bond clip, has just been demolished. It was really quick and came down in just a couple of weeks.

Here's a photo from November 2013, Mohan's Building already vanished.

Mohan's Building gone
Mohan's Building gone, by taigatrommelchen

Was not featured in the James Bond film.

Hi Phil, I'm a bit confused. I still believe that this empty lot at the junction of Peking and Hankow Roads is the place where Mohan's Building stood. Compare Google maps (probably early 2013), just start globe view and 3D. Mohan's building is being demolished, and the fence at the junction of Peking and Hankow Roads is visible.

Regards, Klaus

Hi Klaus

Yes, Mohan's building was here until demolished a few years ago. My comment was referring to the comment above referring to the James Bond film.

