Lin Fa Kung - (莲花宫 Lotus Flower Palace) - temple [1846- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Lin Fa Kung - (莲花宫 Lotus Flower Palace) - temple [1846- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 

Lin Fa Kung Temple at Black Rock, Causeway Bay, c. 1868.

is probably several centuries old, its precise date of construction unknown. A tablet inside the Temple gives the 3rd year of Emperor Tung Chi (1864) as the date of renovation. The Temple's principal deity is Kuan Yin, Taoist female divinity, but the Temple is also patronized by Buddhists perhaps because Kuan Yin was originally a Buddhist deity (and a male). The front half of the Temple is built in an octagonal shape resembling a lotus flower-a Buddhist emblem.

see photo from 1880







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