Alexandra House (1st generation) [1952-1974] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Alexandra House (1st generation) [1952-1974]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
Date Place demolished: 

Completion date from HK Land annual meeting (China Mail, 1952-03-31, pg10) which said it would be completed by end of May, and would open fully let.

Demolition date estimate, based on completion date of Alexandra House.

Photos that show this place


Some recently added photos show that this was built in two phases

This 1953 photo shows the original Alexandra Building has been demolished, and the first phase of the new building has replaced it:

1953 Alexandra House

BUT, in the background the old Royal Building is still standing.

Then the right of the photo shows the open end of the 'V' of the first phase. The Royal Building has gone.

Second mystery photo  HK  1954

Another photo taken at the same time looks down and shows us the foundations for the second phase of the building, occupying the old Royal Building site.


Last rooftop photo

Then a bit later the second phase is complete, closing off the open end of the V, and completing the triangle-shaped Alexander Building:

1953 View from the HK Bank

Regards, David

I've called this place Alexandra Building, but if I zoom in on the facade I see it's called Alexandra House. Any idea if the two names were used interchangeably, or if there is one correct name?

Regards, David

To answer my own question:

1961 Map of Buildings between Ice House St and Pedder St

I've updated the name of this place, and also the next place on this site.

Regards, David

All phases completed by 1956 according to HK Land at 125

In the early 1970s the Government wished to make the triangular site of Alexandra House a park. HK Land would have swapped it for the the GPO site. All government departments were in favour except the finance office who were virulently opposed to more open space being created in central due to the loss of revenue. Government dithering meant by 1974 the idea was abandoned. 

Source: Hong Kong Land at 125

title says 1st generation, but should be 2nd?

As indicated on the timeline on top right of the main page, Alexandra House (1st generation) was enlarged from the previous Alexandra Building and comprised a few of the older buildings adjacent to it.

thanks moddsey for clarifying. You can tell I'm bored with lockdown...