Mt. Austin Road | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Mt. Austin Road

Mt. Austin Road
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, January 1, 1920


Dear annlisec,

Would you know I can have access to the original of this photo OR a downloadable image of this photo?

Many thanks again.

I just copied it.  Here is the link to the image here on gwulo:

Many thanks indeed, annlisec.

Would you mind revealing where you got this photo from?  Thanks again...

Hi Voidian,

Annelise mentions the source above: "eBay or is the source I just copied it."

Anything you can tell us about your interest in that area, or interesting facts / photos you can share with us?

Regards, David

This photo of Mt Austin Rd was probably taken on the Double Tenth, as we can see unusually large numbers of people both on the road and on the summit of the mountain.  The wall of No 12 is on the right, with a corner of the house visible, behind that is the servant's quarters, first of No 12 and behind that of No 8.  Last on the right is No 8 itself.  Then we see Nos 5 and 6 (semi-detached) further up the hill.  I was never quite sure who owned the imposing white house which we just knew as No 3.  In those days the numbering started at the top, Mountain Lodge being No 1. The nullah at the bottom of the photo was a favourite place for us children to play - full of butterflies, and the inevitable Lantana.   Regards, Elizabeth.

Dear Elizabeth,

Thanks for sharing your memories of the area.

Another possible reason for the crowds heading up to the Peak could be the Chung Yeung festival, aka "Double Ninth":

We've got pages for some of the buildings you mention:

Regards, David