Photos of Shatin Heights Hotel [1955-1980] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Shatin Heights Hotel [1955-1980]

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1955: Shatin Heights Hotel-China Mail-24-09-1955

1956: Shatin Heights Hotel

1957: Menu samples for the S.E.E. Dept annual dinner

1958: Kowloon suburb.

1961: HOTEL LISTING 1961

1963: 1963 Shatin Heights Hotel

1965: 1960s Shatin Heights Hotel

1965: 1960s Shatin Heights Hotel

1965: Shatin Heights

1970: Shatin Heights Hotel Matchbook

1973: 1970s Shatin Heights Hotel

1980: Shatin Heights Hotel Demolition

: Shatin Heights hotel, 1950s