Photos of Building on corner of Queen's Rd E. & Morrison Hill Road [????-1976] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Building on corner of Queen's Rd E. & Morrison Hill Road [????-1976]

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1935: Happy Valley Racecourse - Japanese (2 of 2)

1935: 1935 Over Happy Valley Racecourse

1935: Happy Valley race course-Jubilee Parade-aerial-1935

1940: Hong Kong, hotel in front of hills

1947: Aerial view of Happy Valley

1963: 1963 Wanchai view

1963: Morrison Hill Aerial

1963: 1960s Looking west over HKFC

1963: Building on corner of QRE and Morrison Hill Road

1971: Happy Valley 1971

1976: Happy Valley 1976

: 1940s buildings near Sikh temple