captcha blocks | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

captcha blocks

getting a bit lost on the site - I am now logged in as davo and tried to post a comment on uniquely HK under smells of HK and kept getting the comment 'you have not entered the correct captcha code?


ps - I orginally posted as daiwai



Thanks for persevering.

I've looked at this some more and found there has been a change in the way the captcha codes are generated, and that it stopped them from working on our website. I've added some updates to the website software, and they should be working ok again now.

Please let me know if you're still having any problems.

Regards, David

OK - I can now log into the main website as davo with a new password but when I go to the batung section it requires me to log in again - which i do but it states it does not recognize my name or password?

I have entered a comment under HK smells by using the captcha code!



I think the batung section needs tweeking! - I can now log in to it separately although goodness why I have to when I am already logged into the main website but now am unable to add additional comments ?

Davo, hopefully you've already seen Phil's comment. As he mentioned, the two sites are separate. If you'd like to post on both, please create a username and password on both.

Regards, David