'With the Allies to Pekin.' | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

'With the Allies to Pekin.'

 Whilst in UK for Christmas I've found at my parents house in UK a copy of G.A.Henty's 'With the Alllies to Pekin.' sic
Published 1904 by Blackie & Son, London

 Subtitled 'A Story of the Relief of the Legations' - seems to be a first edition.Illustrated.'Basil Guy RanS Back and Bound Up His Wounds' &c 

Anybody know anyone or any organisation that might be interested in such?


Looks like he was a prolific author, see here:


Am sure there would be collectors interested

Look on AbeBooks.co.uk and you will see the prices that booksellers are asking for GA Henty books.  With my booksellers hat on I know that these are collected by 'gentleman' of a certain age.  A nostalgia thing I think!


 Thanks to both of you.

 I might keep the book - it's rather 'quaint', but given it's age I may leave it in UK as the heat and humidity in HK would soon ruin it.



There is a Henty Society based in England that may be very interested.  If not them personally, then they may be able to direct you to collectors who would be.  Their site is hentysociety.org.  The Honorable Secretary is DavidWalmsley@hentysociety.org.

I record and sell the Henty novels myself, absolutely love them.  Downloads are available at http://jimhodgesaudiobooks.com/MP3_downloads.html

Scroll down to see the Henty titles available.