3rd & 4th Jan 1942. Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

3rd & 4th Jan 1942. Barbara Anslow's diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 3 Jan 1942 to Sun, 4 Jan 1942

Pauline's birthday (she was Tony's fiance in Australia) so Tony & I celebrated by going to Prince's Cafe and having coffee and 3 hotcakes each - wonderful!

Queen's Road was made into a kind of market.   Shops weren't open, but stalls lined the road and you could buy almost anything  ((if you had money)).

Amah came twice, with most of our best clothes, and Olive's trousseau finery, which I took to her in Gloucester Hotel.

Tommy Maycock and Mr Himsworth took clothes to Mum at Queen Mary Hospital.