Gwulo: Old Hong Kong


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PS 'Gwu lo' is roughly how '古老' sounds in Cantonese. It means 'ancient' or 'old-fashioned'.

Women at work in the 1930s

We previously looked at photos of men at work, this week it's the women's turn.


Woman carrying baskets of coal


What: This lady is surrounded by coal, with mounds of loose coal behind her, large baskets of coal on the left of the photo, and smaller baskets in the foreground. She is using a

New on Gwulo: 2021, week 14

A look at what's new on the Gwulo website...






Men at work in the 1930s

I recently bought this small set of photos, showing men and women at work on Hong Kong's streets.


Hawker selling snacks


What: I can recognise the sugar cane for sale on the left, but what sort of snack is that on the right?


Who: The hawker is an

New on Gwulo: 2021, week 12

A look at what's new on the Gwulo website...






Delivering raindrops from Tai Mo Shan to the Governor's teapot

This week's story begins like many on Gwulo: seeing something new on a walk and thinking, "That's a bit odd ..."

We'd just walked uphill from the lower Shing Mun Reservoir, and noticed there was a large metal pipe running alongside the path. When the path levelled out the pipe ended abruptly, pouring water out into a concrete channel.

Pipe above lower Shing Mun reservoir


The channel is a short one, soon disappearing into a tunnel in the hillside.

Channel leading to the water tunnel under Smugglers Ridge


It seems odd to have a pipe pouring water into a channel like this - why not just continue the pipeline? And where does the water go to after it enters the tunnel?

The next part of the walk followed what had looked like a catchwater on the map, but it raised more questions. It must have taken significant work to build the catchwater, so why has it been allowed to fill up with the sand and gravel that had washed in? And why was there a concrete barrier across it, separating it from the channel to the tunnel?

I turned to the


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