Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1986: Tuen Mun mansion film set and demolition-3

1986: Tuen Mun mansion film set & demolition-4

1935: Canton-Kowloon Railway poster

1934: HSBC headquarters (3rd Generation)

1941: 1941 Tennis at Civil Service Club

1935: 1930s TST KCR Train Station (Fei Express)

1925: 1920s Junction of Queen's Road Central and Pedder Street

1926: 1926 Cheung Chau (Excerpt from Hong Kong Daily Press)

1924: 1924 Morinaga Advertisment

1930: 1930s Ice House Street

2012: entrance of battle box?

1960: 1960s Traffic Pagoda

1955: 1950s Nathan Road near Chung King Arcade

1995: 1990s Traffic Pagoda, Police Museum, Coombe Road

1925: 1920s Star Ferry, Praya Central

1960: 1960s Connaught Road Central

1930: 1930s Pedder Street

1956: Bank of China Lions

: Royal Yacht

1909: Chinese New Year

1937: 1937 Typhoon - SS Hong Peng

1937: SS Hong Peng off Taikoo dockyards

: Men in caps

: Handles

: Car
