Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1935: 1935 Annual Fire Drill Display

1935: 1935 Annual Fire Drill Display

1935: Hong Kong Fire Brigade

1966: City Hall 1966

1937: 1937 Bank of East Asia

1995: 1990s City Hall

1996: 1990s City Hall Coat of Arms

1917: 1917 Tram Accident

: Anderson-style

2011: Anderson-style

2011: Big shelter

2011: Big shelter

2011: Big shelter

2011: Big shelter

2011: Summit shelter

2011: Summit shelter

2011: Shelter

2011: Shelter

2011: Narrow trench

2011: Wide trench

2011: Trenches

2011: Barbed wire

1935: 1930s Happy Valley Racecourse Grandstand

1973: 1973 Construction of Sheraton Hotel

1933: 1930s Lyeemoon Building
