Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1897: Dockyards at Hung Hom

1937: SS Conte Biencamano entering Harbour

1937: Signal Hill

1927: Merry Christmas, 1927-style

1927: Front cover of card

1927: Card opened up

1927: Back cover

1927: Signature on card

1935: Connaught Road

1996: 1996 View from Signal Hill

1937: Range finder on Signal Hill. Havildhar Major in the center.

2009: 2009 Signal Hill Battery

2010: Signal Hill Battery

2009: 2009 Time Ball Tower

1937: Jim's range finder at top of Signal Hill tower looking east to harbour entrance

1960: 1960 Macao

1937: 1937 SS Van Heutsz

1937: 1937 SS Van Heutsz

1960: Signal Hill & Lighthouse

1937: SS Van Heutsz ran aground in typhoon

1940: Where?

1920: Old Hong Kong Xmas Card

1900: Old Hong Kong Xmas Card

1936: Signal Hill, 18-pounder battery

1920: A.S. Watson's Pharmacy advert-1920
