Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1950: Celebrating Chinese New Year 1950s.

1950: 101 Robinson Road

1925: 1920s Bowrington Canal

: Harvard VIA

1949: The National Lacquer & Paint Products Co. Ltd factory, North Point

1950: Junction of Gloucester Rd & Fenwick St.

2011: Gravestones in Stanley Cemetery

1935: 1935 Silver Jubilee Chinese Triumphal Arch (Pailau)

1933: Inland Lot 3566 - HSBC - formerly City Hall

: Running Dog Tie

2011: E. J. Greenburg gravestone - back

2011: E. J. Greenburg gravestone - front

1937: 1937 Junction of QRC and Cochrane St

1930: 1930s QRC looking towards Central Market

1925: 1920s Junction of QRC and Cochrane St

1935: 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee Procesion

1935: Detail of King George V Silver Jubilee Procession

1935: Procession inches along a crowded street

1954: RAF Police @ LSW

1936: Does anyone recognise this building?

1902: Death of Mrs Rizal

1935: 1930s Movie poster

1883: 1883 National Hotel

: Chan Sing U

2011: With the student docents at St Stephen's College
