Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1920: 1920s Sai Ying Pun waterfront

1924: 1924 Grassy structures near Staunton's Creek

1924: 1924 Staunton Creek

1930: Happy Valley Racecourse

1954: Another mystery photo

1951: 1951 Happy Valley Racecourse Totalisator

1920: 1920s Albany Filter Beds

1867: Dent & Co. and Lindsay & Co.

1954: Rooftop HK 1954

1954: Second mystery photo HK 1954

1923: Happy Valley Postcard

1902: Home for the Blind

1916: Home for the Blind

: Happy Valley Racecourse

: Penang Racecourse

1950: 1950s Happy Valley Racecourse

1950: Old Houses - 30 Lugard Road, The Peak

1950: Old Houses - Kadoorie Avenue Kowloon

1960: Old Houses 71 Mount Kellett Road (174 The Peak)

1960: Old Houses 71 Mount Kellett Road (174 The Peak)

: Man Mo Temple - Hollywood Road - 18xx ?

1870: Ladder Street

1900: Man Mo Temple - Hollywood Road - Date?

1936: 1930s Prince's and Queen's Buildings

1956: Mystery photo Hong Kong 1954
