Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1940: Locomotive passing Chatham Road Camp [1946-1977]

1900: Nazareth Press

1940: 1940s Mid-Levels

1940: 1940s Royal Naval Hospital

1938: Sedan Chairs, The Peak, 1938

1920: 1920s Lady in sedan chair

1940: 1940s Causeway Bay view

1955: Quiz - 1955 Nathan Road

1929: 1920s Royal Naval Hospital

1940: 1940s Sun Kwong Hotel

1959: CGO West Wing Architectural Report

: Number of Jurors, 1894-1909

1895: 1890s Mid-Levels

1890: Old Peak Road from Magazine Gap

1930: MacDonnell Road - and the Bridge over the Nullah

2011: West Wing not-for-sale map

1920: Royal Naval Hospital

1941: Chungking Airport re "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" movie location

: Hong Kong O\S 1970

1965: Peak Mansions

1965: Chu Wan

1908: 1908 Grand Carlton Hotel Advert

: Hollywood Rd

: Somewhere in Hong Kong

1935: c.1935 Hawker, book stall, rat bin
