Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1919: Marble Hall showing 'Victory and Peace' sign

1923: C E Warren's obituary (HK Daily Press)

1923: C E Warren's obituary (HK Telegraph)

1845: 1845 Map (detail) Central

1858: Marine Lot 104

1920: Government Villas - Peak

1968: Queen's Theatre - 2nd generation

1901: Land Office - Supreme Court - Post Office map 1901

1919: 1919 Peace Celebrations - Pedder Street Looking North

1919: 1919 Peace Celebrations - Pedder Street Looking South

1892: C.H.M. Bosman obituary

1890: Peak Tram Lower Terminus

1919: Pedder Street

1954: Jat Incline Marker

1954: From Tates Cairn

1954: Buf'lo Farm

1954: Defences on One Rise More

1933: 1933 Jimmy's Kitchen Advertisement

1902: 1902 No. 5 Police Station

1996: 1996 Jat Incline Marker Stone

1997: 1997 Hiram's Highway Stone Marker

1935: c.1935 View over Aberdeen harbour

2011: MS 12, Hirams Highway

2011: MS 9, Hirams Highway

2011: MS 9 1/2, Hirams Highway
