Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1996: Battalion HQ (Stonecutters Island)

1996: HMS Tamar Ship's Bell (Stonecutters Island)

1996: HMS Tamar Boat Basin (Stonecutters Island)

1996: HMS Tamar HQ (Stonecutters Island)

1996: HMS Tamar Insignia (Gate Entrance) Stonecutters Island

1910: 1910s Royal Naval Dockyard Entrance

1998: 1998 HMS Tamar Anchor

1925: Kowloon Hotel

: Kowloon Hotel

: early Star Ferries

1952: Lee Gardens/ East Point Hill Statue

1910: Nathan Rd

1890: Marine Police HQ with inlet in foreground

1955: Crash Jet Kai Tak Nullah

2010: Shelter near Tai Tam Gap

1906: Aerial ropeway over Queensway - clipping

1873: 1873 Royal Naval Hospital

1882: 1882 Rickshaw - Sketches in Hong Kong

2010: Old fire Hydrant on High Street

1896: 1896 Jubilee Statue Queen Victoria

1899: 1899 Scenes in British Kowloon

1964: "Macau" ferry 1964

1876: 1876 Hong Kong Cricket Club

1961: 1961 Nathan road

2010: Former Marine Police HQ Gas Lamp Post (Blow-up)
