Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1996: Former Marine Police HQ No. 1 Police Launch Bell

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Japanese Flag

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Time-Ball Tower (Round House)

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Time-Ball Tower (Round House)

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Time-Ball Tower (Round House)

1995: Former Marine Police HQ Indian Verandah

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Courtyard

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Sign

1855: East Point

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Noon Day Gun (write-up)

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Noon Day Gun

2010: Former Marine Police HQ Signal Mast

2010: Former Kowloon/Terminus Fire Station

2010: Former Marine Police HQ - Time Ball Tower & Signal Mast

1886: 1886 Marine Police HQ - Time Ball Tower & Signal Mast

1996: Former Marine Police HQ - Water Police Boundary Stone

1996: Former Marine Police HQ Gas Lamp Post

2009: Elizabeth II Postbox Cipher

: 2010 Jordan Road

2010: Former Marine Police HQ Gas Lamp Posts

2010: Former Kowloon/Terminus Fire Station Fireman's Pole

1900: 1900 Causeway Bay

1843: East Point - Jardine Matheson

1880: East Point - map 1880

2101: Jubilee Battery, southern searchlight
