Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Hong Kong Football Club - original location

1985: RHKR HQ Front Door and Plaque

1985: HKVDC HQ

1944: Hongkong News 1944-09-21 pg02

1944: Hongkong News 1944-09-21 pg01

1944: Hongkong News 1944-09-17 pg02

1944: Hongkong News 1944-09-17 pg01

1969: 1969 Happy Valley / Causeway Bay

1962: 1960s President Hotel

1969: President hotel room

1969: President hotel room

1910: 1910s Mee Cheung

1910: 1910s Tai Po Bungalow for Europeans

1900: US Troops Peking 1900

1900: french troops 1900

1900: Italian infantry

1900: Indian Army Hong Kong 1900

1969: Repulse Bay, 1969

1969: 1960s Aberdeen Street

: BOAC ad from the 1960s

1915: Government Office Stable

1970: View of HK from Kowloon

1932: 1932 Wellington Street

1910: Dairy Farm Building

1915: 1910s Wanchai Market (1st Generation)
