Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1910: wanchai market 1st generation

: Roman Catholic Cathedral

1980: Hysan Lee Mansion 2

1980: Hysan Lee Mansion

1905: Roman Catholic Cathedral

1900: Indian Temple - Hongkong - posted 1907

1963: Central Government Offices - Main Wing

1869: Central Government Offices

1905: 1900s Roman Catholic Cathedral Campanile

1900: Parade Query (levels adjusted)

1900: Piers in Central - 1900s

1900: Parade query

1960: Deerhill Bay

1900: c.1900 View over Sai Ying Pun

1928: 1920s Chatham Road

1947: 1940s Wanchai & Admiralty

: David's email address

1948: 1940s Junction of Nathan Road and Peking Road

1953: 1953 Nathan Road

1953: 1953 Kowloon street scene

1967: 1967 Yau Ma Tei

1960: 1960 Royal Theatre

1948: 1940s Carnarvon Road

1936: 1930s Junction of Nathan Road and Haiphong Road

: Trolley
