Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1965: 1965 Barker Road

1960: 1960s Whiteaway Dept Store - Nathan Rd (Telephone House)

1955: 1950s Hennessy & Johnston Roads (Western End)

1974: 1974 Hennessy & Johnston Roads

2010: 20-22 Severn Road

1935: 1930s Queen's Road East towards Kennedy Rd

2008: Chimney Stacks on the Kennedy Town Incineration Plant

1934: 1930s Murray Parade Ground

1924: 1924 Map - RBL 1

2010: Kirkendoa

2010: The Belvedere

2010: 8 Pollock's Path

1946: 1940s Kennedy Terrace

2010: Central Market today

1953: 1953 Johnston Road

1972: 1972 Po Shan Road landslide / Kotewall Road disaster

2001: 55 Conduit Road

2001: 55 Conduit Road

2001: 55 Conduit Road

: 55 Conduit Road

: Excelsior Terrace

1927: c.1927 View over Central, Tamar, and harbour

1950: China Light and Power (CLP)

1953: 1953 Princess Theatre

1953: 1953 City Bank of NY
