Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1940: Hong Kong, apartment buildings

1940: Hong Kong, an American evacuee writing a travelers cheque at the American Express Travel Department during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, an American evacuee writing a travelers cheque at the American Express Travel Department during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, an American evacuee with porters during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, an American evacuee signing a Travelers cheque during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, an American evacuee at the American Express Travel Department during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, American woman in a bank

1940: Hong Kong, American woman in a bank

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees with sailors during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees with sailors during World War II

2009: Path to tunnel

2009: Blank Cases

2009: Colt .45 Bullet Markings

2009: Colt .45

2009: Enfield .303 Shells

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees reading a TWA brochure during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the Pedder Building during World War II

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York
