Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1940: Hong Kong, men carrying a load with a yoke

1940: Hong Kong, men breaking concrete into rubble

1940: Hong Kong, market

1940: Hong Kong, marching band of wind instruments in a funeral procession

1940: Hong Kong, man working in an air raid shelter

1940: Hong Kong, man unlocking a suitcase

1940: Hong Kong, man standing next to a food stand

1940: Hong Kong, man resting inside sedan chair

1940: Hong Kong, man eating rice

1940: Hong Kong, man carrying cargo

1940: Hong Kong, man carrying cargo

1940: Hong Kong, man and a woman

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

2009: JL, Tunnel

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

1941: Central ARP Tunnels

1940: 1940 CNAC Air Crash

1940: Hong Kong, lawn with tennis court

1940: Hong Kong, laborer working in an air raid shelter

1940: Hong Kong, laborer building with layers of sandbags for air raid defense
