Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: "Kamikaze" tunnel, Lamma

1973: King Yin Lei

1940: Hong Kong, street market

1940: Hong Kong, stores along the street

1940: Hong Kong, stamp or signet maker vendor along the street

1940: Hong Kong, stamp or signet maker along the street

1940: Hong Kong, soldiers of the British Indian Army

1940: Hong Kong, soldiers of the British Indian Army

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

1940: Hong Kong, soldiers of the British Indian Army

1940: Hong Kong, soldiers of the British Indian Army

1940: Hong Kong, soldiers of the British Indian Army

1940: Hong Kong, sign for General Electric advertising light bulbs

1940: Hong Kong, sign for air raid wardens post

1940: Hong Kong, sign advertising melons

1940: Hong Kong, shoemakers

1940: Hong Kong, shoemakers

1940: Hong Kong, ship docked at a pier

1940: Hong Kong, Shell gas station

1940: Hong Kong, Shell gas station

1940: Hong Kong, Shell gas station

1940: Hong Kong, scaffolding outside an apartment building

1940: Hong Kong, sandbags stacked to protect a building from air raids

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel

2009: Jardine's Lookout Tunnel
