Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1941: Hong Kong, Supreme Court building

1940: Hong Kong, street vendors

1940: Hong Kong, street vendors

1941: Eu Tong-Sen

2004: Tai O and a ferry to Tung Chung

2009: Blacks Link

2009: BL

2009: Blacks Link

2009: Blacks Link

2009: Blacks Link

2009: Blacks Link

2009: Blacks Link

2009: Blacks Link

2009: BLacks Link

2009: Black'sLink

2009: Black's Link

2009: Blacks Link

1958: 1950s Eucliff

1941: 1941 Peace Mission

1941: 1941 Peace Mission Photograph by Gwen Dew

1948: 1948 Tkachenko's

1937: 1930s Laffan's Plain

1946: 1946 Queen Victoria Statue

1965: 1960s King Yin Lei

1940: Hong Kong, street scene near air raid shelters
