Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1900: 1900s Kowloon Wharves

1900: 1900s Kowloon Peninsula

1960: Kowloon Wharf from "The World of Suzie Wong"

1950: 1950s Banks

1964: 1964 Causeway Bay

1964: 1964 Nathan Rd

1964: 1964 Fenwick Street

2009: Lady in the black and white shoes

2009: Detail from Gloucester Road seafront

1964: 1964 Gloucester Road seafront

1964: Kai Tak & Kowloon

1932: 1930s War Memorial Hospital

1940: 1940 Liquour Establishments

2009: Pillbox 17 & Lyon Light 17

2009: Pillbox 017, remains of sliding metal shields in tower

2009: Lyon Light 17

2009: Pop Gingles

1960: EF Gingles funeral

2009: ARP portal 89

2009: Stonework around Portal 52

2009: ARP Portal 093, Blue Pool Road, Renovation Map

2009: ARP Portal 093, Blue Pool Road, interior

2009: ARP Portal 093, Blue Pool Road, Entrance

2009: ARP Portal 093, Blue Pool Road street view

1925: 1920s Victoria Recreation Club
