Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1941: Hong Kong, street scene near air raid shelters

1940: Hong Kong, street scene near a post office

1940: Hong Kong, street scene in front of the Nippon Yusen Kaisya Shipping Line Building

1940: Hong Kong, street scene in front of the Nippon Yusen Kaiysa Shipping Line

1940: Hong Kong, street scene in front of the Gloucester Hotel

1940: Hong Kong, street scene in front of Kowloon Ferry

1940: Hong Kong, street scene in front of air raid shelter

1940: Hong Kong, street scene in front of air raid shelter

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1941: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

2009: Japanese tunnel north of youth camp

2009: Japanese tunnel north of youth camp

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1940: Hong Kong, street scene
