Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1964: 1960s HK Hardluck Terrace. Kowloon Docks 2.jpg

: Juror PDF and Previous year's DB

: Original Juror PDF, OCR PDF and DB form

: Sort Database in EXCEL

1979: KMB (D659) 1979-04 (AR7594) Dr CVG6-MS - INL

1974: Shan Tsui Battery Location

2019: Shau Tsui Battery Layout

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 1

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 1 Inside

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Temporary Structure

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 3

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 2

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 4

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 5

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 6

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Water Well

2019: Shau Tau Battery - Pillbox 7

2019: Shau Tsui Battery - Location

2018: Kennedy Road Peak Tram Station

1959: Fleming Road Refuse Pier.

2010: Downhill end of Kennedy Road station

: BT_front-COVER-groupPic-v6.5.jpg

1907: Man with pipe

1949: Captain Chick-Charles Kennett- border crossing Bailey Bridge

1957: Stonecutters Island 1957.
