Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: 1861-1940 Adults in Hong Kong

: Collage

1924: Philippines to Hong Kong-claimed first flight

1950: Holland-China Trading Company: Hong Kong warehouse, North Point, 1950

1930: 1930s Hong Kong photo wrapper, by Modern Photo Supplies Co.

1930: 1930s Hong Kong photo wrapper, by Modern Photo Supplies Co.

1910: Postcards Hong Kong wrapper postcards by M. Sternberg

1910: Postcards Hong Kong wrapper, ca. 1910, M. Sternberg, No 51, Queen's Road Central, Hongkong

1870: Hotz collection: Hong Kong, Pokfulam Water Reservoir, ca. 1870

2009: Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

1952: Camp Collinson 1952

1952: Camp Collinson 1952

1952: Camp Collinson amah Ah Fong at work.

1952: Camp Collinson D Watch balcony Amah Ah Hoi.

1952: Chaiwan War Cemetery.

1952: Lyemun American Carrier 1952.

1952: Lyemun at Waters Edge 1952.

1952: Lyemun Back Balcony Lofty Bole with barber.

1952: Lyemun Bill and Hairy Legs.

1952: Lyemun Billet 1952.

1952: Lyemun Block 2, 1952.

: Lyemun from shore.

1952: Lyemun Gap and Devil's Peak 1952 b.

1952: Lyemun HMS Unicorn 1952.

1952: Lyemun N.A.A.F.I. Christmas 1952.
