Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1938: 1938 London Cafe

1961: 1961 RAF Comet

1996: MV DOULAS built 1914-pictured in 1996

1996: MV DOULAS-leaflet -01

1996: MV DOULAS leaflet-02

2013: Bounty replica

2005: ex-Hilton Hotel's -WAN FU-at Guangzhou.jpg

2012: HMS Bounty replica

2010: HMS Bounty replica-wedding reception.jpg

1998: Tsing Yi Power Station chimney demolition

1984: Aberdeen Harbour

1984: Ap Lei Chau Power Station

1960: 1960s Tai Yuen Street, Wanchai

: Royden house school teachers 1991

1955: 1950s Johnston Road Tram Stop

: Royden house school teachers 1991

2019: Yvonne Foley & Barbara .JPG

2019: Barbara answering questions.JPG

2019: About to begin.JPG

2019: Mike, Barbara & Jill.JPG

2019: Barbara Anslow 1.JPG

1950: Portrait Phil Beekmeijer, Holland-China Trading Company (HCHC), Hong Kong 1950

1956: Holland-China Trading Company: VW T1 delivery van at street market, Hong Kong, ca. 1956

1950: Holland-China Trading Company: Hong Kong warehouse, North Point, 1950

1957: Holland-China Trading Company: Alexandra House, Hong Kong, 1957
