Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1956: Hong Kong, Holland-China Trading Company, VW T1 delivery van at Gloucester Road (prev. Wanchai Praya), ca. 1956

2015: Lobster Bay looking NE

2015: Ping Min Chau

1957: Camping - Swimming weekend. 1957– View now identified

1957: Sunrise over the islands.1957- Lobster Bay.

1957: Camping -Swimming weekend 1957, Silverstrand Bay

1957: Camping - Swimming weekend 1957. Location now identified.

1895: Portrait Willem Kien, Dresden ca. 1895, photo studio Hahn's

1921: Portrait Willem Kien, ca. 1921, Shanghai

2009: 鴨脷洲大橋 (Ap Lei Chau Bridge)

1918: Holland-China Trading Company: Hong Kong office, consignment department, 1918

1967: 1967 Lockhart Road

1955: 1950s Chai Wan (Sywan) Bay

1920: 1920s Belcher's Battery

1963: 1963 HK 23 Blake Pier, GPO.jpg

1963: 1963 HK 23 Harbour, fishing boat, Ferry.jpg

1963: 1963 HK 24 Hakka women.jpg

1963: 1963 HK 26 Harbour Kennedy town, Victoria.jpg

1963: 1963 HK 27 Sailing junk and Dragon yacht.jpg

1963: 1963 HK 28 Fishing junk south of HK Island.jpg

1960: Hong Kong Tram Ticket (1).jpg

: Today’s Quiz
