Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1954: Ephemera a.

1954: Ephemera b.

1954: Ephemera c.

1955: Ephemera d.

1955: Ephemera e.

1955: Ephemera f.

1954: FE Fleet during typhoon Ida.

1954: Fenwick Street pier in typhoon Ida.

1954: Kai Tak pool Oct 54.

1955: Little Sai Wan compulsory pt.

1955: LSW lighthouse path to Lyemun.

1955: LSW Room 35 Trevor Bob Bill.

1955: LSW The Point Derek and Don.

1955: LSW The Point Derek.

1955: LSW The Point small junk a.

1955: LSW The Point small junk.

2001: Chai Wan from Cape Collinson road.

1953: Before and after Route Twisk

1957: From the summit Route Twisk drops to Sek Kong

1957: Curving up into Asia - the start of the road from Tsun Wan

1957: Private vehicles prohibited

1957: This aerial view gives an idea of the complicated drainage system where Route Twisk crosses ravines

1957: No Entry says the sign on the left - but that only applies to civilian vehicles

1952: 1952 Hard at work on Route Twisk

1950: 1950 Our instructor with my D7 Caterpillar
