Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1908: The Public Gardens, Hong Kong. Postcard purchased 1908.jpg

1964: Tonnochy Hotel 1964

1979: Pussycat Bar, 1979

: Morrison.PNG

: Fenwick.PNG

: The Sun Wah Hotel.PNG

1958: Inside Hut.

1958: Kong Wei notice board.

1958: Night spot propabably in Yuen Long

1958: Popsey at work.

1958: Sek Kong army camp cinema.

1958: Turn off for Kong Wei and Ping Shan a.

1958: Turn off for Kong Wei and Ping Shan b.

1958: Turn off.

1958: Venom.

1920: 1920s Kellett Island

1950: 195? - On patrol in the New Territories

1950: 1950 Bunch of hooligans with Ho Yin

1951: 1951 Sek Kong

1950: 1950s Hong Kong Cricket Club

1950: 1950 Ho Yin & me

1952: 1950 Unloading D7 Bulldozer

1951: 1951 Castle Peak Beach

1951: 1951 Mates at Sek Kong Camp

1951: 1951 54 Field
