Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1966: 1966 HK Bank.jpg

1966: 1966 HK Club.jpg

1966: 1966 HK Club-2.jpg

2017: Inside the Woosung street bazaar

1950: Tai Hang Looking South 1950s

1956: Tai Hang and Victoria Park Nullah Wun Sha Street

1952: Cenotaph

1952: Hong Kong Club

1952: Hong Kong Club

1952: Queen’s pier

1952: Queen's Pier

1952: Kowloon and western harbour

1952: Central and Tsim Sha Tsui

1952: The Banks

1952: Central

1952: Central and harbour

1952: Five rickshaws in rain.

1952: Washing.

1937: Homestead Government Flats, Children's Fancy Dress Party circa 1937

1947: Opening of Lai Chi Kok Hotel and Amusement Park

1957: Street view from Victoria Tram 1957.

1957: Street Market in Victoria-1957-but where?

1952: Tai Tam Tuk entrance off Tai Tam road

1952: Tai Tam Road bends

1952: Telegraph Bay
