Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1952: Lai Chi Kok beach b.

1952: Lai Chi Kok beach c.

1952: Lai Chi Kok beach d.

1952: Lai Chi Kok beach.

1952: Lai Chi Kok bus.

: Lo hung Sui.PNG

1956: 1956 119 Peak Jardines Corner.jpg

1956: 1956 119 Peak Jardines Corner2.jpg

1956: 1956 Central_.jpg

1956: 1956 Harbour.jpg

1956: 1956 Kai Tak-1.jpg

1956: 1956 Kai Tak-2.jpg

1956: 1956 Kai Tak-3.jpg

1950: Piano Recital Students of Mrs A Nozadze Peninsula Hotel 22 Oct 1950 Programme.jpg

1950: Piano Recital Students of Mrs A Nozadze Peninsula Hotel 22 Oct 1950.jpg

1960: 1960s Castle Peak Bay

1980: Man Choy.jpg

1952: San Hui

1952: Sea inlet

1952: Large sea inlet

1952: Cyclists

1952: Star Ferry pier

1952: Rowing boats

1951: 1950s Cheung Chau Waterfront

1936: Land border crossing map segment I.D..jpg
