Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1960: Kobe Band Welcoming Passeger Ship (1960)

: President Wilson Liner (1948-1973)

1979: Hankow Road, Kowloon - June 1979

1969: Hankow Road

: Michelle.jpg

: Michelle address.jpg

1946: Wang Fung Terrace a.

1946: Wang Fung Terrace b.

1946: Wang Fung Terrace c.

1946: Wang Fung Terrace d.

1970: Fu House on the right, adjacent to the new Bank of Canton Building

1950: Fu House, highlighted in red, adjacent to the Bank of Canton Building

1970: Fu House on the right, adjacent to the new Bank of Canton Building

1970: Fu House, highlighted in red in 1970s.

1970: Fu House, highlighted in red, view from Statue Square

1970: Fu House G/F, highlighted in red, occupant then was KLM Airlines.

1960: Fu House, highlighted in red in 1960s

1958: Fu House's side view from, Ice House Street

1935: Jimmy's Kitchen in Theatre Lane

: Frederick Clayson.jpg

: Aberdeen Boat Yards July 1972.JPG

: Aberdeen from Brick Hill July 1972.JPG

: Aberdeen July 1972.JPG

1957: Shamshuipo district ?1957

1967: 1967 TST Peking Rd
