Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1911: Street Car in Regina, SK (1911)

1998: Central 1998.07.06

2001: Science Museum Road, 尖東

2001: Pak Sui Yuen 百粹苑

2001: Chuk Lam Ming Tong, Ping Shan 屏山

1904: Hong Kong tramcar test run in 1904

1904: Hong Kong tramcar test run in 1904

: Horace William Bonner

1958: Battys Belvedere on the Peak.

1958: Hong Kong Central Alan Wilson Andrew Suddaby.

1958: Hong Kong unknown.

1958: LSW Gibson room 56 or 57.

1958: R.A.F. Sunderland maybe at Hong Kong.

1905: First class tram

1905: Third class tram

1955: Mid-1950s Tai Hang / Causeway Bay

1971: Austin - 7 shipped to HK 1969 - side view

2000: Hermes.

1958: Hermes Plane

1958: junk at Little Sai Wan

1957: Landslip on camp road.

1957: Lyemun and Shaukiwan from Mt Parker.

1958: Reclamation work a 1958.

1958: Reclamation work b 1958.

1958: Reclamation work c 1958.
