Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1958: Guy got Sack on Bike.

1958: HK Happy Valley.

1958: HK Hoover Cinema.

1986: Lock Road 1986

1973: Lock Road, 1973

1969: Austin-7 shipped to Hong Kong in 1969 - image 4

1969: Vintage Austin-7 shipped to Hong Kong in 1969

1969: Vintage Austin 7 shipped to Hong Kong 1969 - image 1

1969: Austin-7 shipped to Hong Kong in 1969

: Vintage Austin-7 shipped to Hong Kong in 1969 -image 3

1969: Austin-7-Shipped to HK 1969

1970: Austin-7 shipped to Hong Kong in 1969

2014: Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The volunteers)

: 100_1272.JPG

: 100_1284.JPG

: 100_1288.JPG

1940: ARP Training

1940: Fire engine

1940: Auxiliary Fire Service Training

1940: Gas Precautions Training in pre-war Hong Kong

1940: ARP Truck

1940: ARP training

1945: 1945 Army Car Accident

1956: 1956 Hennessy Road

1972: Austin Seven Reg; AP 9057
