Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1904: Tramway to sugar factory Hong Kong

1904: 1900's victoria buildings hong kong

1904: 1904 town and harbour hong kong

1902: piers hong kong

1904: town hall hong kong

2019: Trench by pillbox 107 by Pak Shui Wan beach

1935: Postcard Hong Kong - The Peak, H.K. sent 20 Jan 1936, "The Mount" and "Modreenagh" buildings

: The Little Flower Club

1901: peak mountain austin hong kong

1901: Royal Naval Canteen

1901: Soldiers´Club

1960: a First Pay.

1960: b Alan in K.D.

1960: c Alan Parr right with amah and pals.

1960: d Chow Stalls.

1960: e Chow Stalls Alan Parr.

1960: f Floating restaurant a.

1960: g Floating restaurant b.

1960: h Kam Tin.

1961: 1961 Carnavon Road at TST

1890: Bowrington Praya looking South West

1880: East Point from Praya

1920: Praya East & Tin Lok Lane looking East

1958: Big Wave David Parvin Brian.

1958: Gibson Balcony.
