Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1956: e South China Stadium From Tai Hang Road.

1956: f Happy Valley.

1956: g Star Ferry.

1956: h Queens Road Central.

1956: i Hennessey Road East District.

1956: j Wyndham Street.

1956: k Des Voeux Road Central.

1956: l Queens Road Central.

1956: m New York Cinema.

1956: n Star Ferry Central.

1956: o Signal Hill Kowloon.

1956: p Peninsula Hotel.

1956: q Repulse Bay a.

1956: q Repulse Bay b.

1956: q Repulse Bay c.

1956: r Aberdeen.

1956: s Shaukiwan.

1956: t Harbour Pilot.

1956: u Street Letter Writer.

1956: v Rickshaws.

1982: Tantallon-Terrace-1982-01-IMG-1-425.jpg

1982: Tantallon-Terrace front balcony

1982: Tantallon-Terrace-1982-01-img607.jpg

1982: Tantallon-Terrace-1982-01-IMG-956a.jpg

1982: Tantallon-Terrace-View from upstairs balcony
