Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1949: La Marseillaise (1949) a.k.a Marseillaise

1954: a From Peak.

1954: a Queens Road.

1954: c Pottinger Street Off Queens Road.

1954: d Off Queens Road.

1954: e Off Queens Road.

1954: f Yuen Street West.

1954: g Pottinger Street from Wellington Street

1954: h Des Voeux Road Central.

1954: i HK Cricket Club From Cheero Club.

1954: j Kowloon Ferry And Catholic Club.

1954: k The Marseilles.

1954: l Waterfront From Catholic club.

: Stonecutter Island

: HMS Tamar dance

: Jubilee building Kowloon

1976: L-boats RHKYC 1976

1976: L-boats sailing in the Hong Kong Harbor

1976: Boats racing in the crowded Hong Kong Harbor

: Path_to_St_Luke's.jpg

: Ship_st_steps.jpg

: St_Luke's.jpg

: Kaza_1.jpg

: Kaza_2.jpg

: Kaza_3.jpg
