Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Kaza_4.jpg

1960: bluebird juke box

1960: cafe de paris

1960: kam tin princess, sweet garden.

1961: Kam Tin Restaurant.

1960: kw3 1960.

1960: kw3 approach 1960.

1960: kw3 looking to kw2.

1960: kw3 with crop 1960.

1960: Kong Wei headquarters

1960: Scouse with Land Rover

1960: Sek Kong from Namus 1960.

1960: Sek Kong RAF billets.

1960: Sek Kong canteen.

1960: Sek Kong to washing lines.

1960: RAF Sek Kong

1960: spotter plane crashed.

: TPT_braces_1.JPG

: TPT_concrete_1.JPG

: TPT_concrete_columns.JPG

: TPT_staircase_back.JPG

: TPT_stairwell.JPG

: TPT_Steel_support_1.JPG

: TPT_8-9_facade_1.JPG

: TPT_8-9_facade_2.JPG
