Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: racecourse1c.

1953: racecourse 2.

1953: shop names1.

1953: shop names2.jpg

1953: Statue Square --for Coronation 53.

1953: street-scenes-victoria tram.

1953: street scenes victoria1.

1953: street scenes victoria 2.

1953: street scenes victoria3.

1953: Train Kowloon to Tai Po.

1953: Wanchai from Battys.

1953: Wanchai racecourse area1

1953: Tai Koo Staff Qurters

: Back

1940: Inaugural ceremony of the U. L. Wardens' Society

1967: Alex Butterworth.jpeg

1966: Marie Butterworth circa 1965.jpeg

1919: Dutch community in Hong Kong, 1919

: Kwong Chee Theatre 廣智戲院 (1968)

2019: 1930JurorsOccupationPage1-OneNoteOCR

1953: Queen's Pier.

1953: Kowloon Star Ferry Terminal.

1953: Kowloon from Battys.

1953: lighthouse Green Island.

1953: LSW from balcony.
