Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1953: Batty's a

1953: Battys b.

1953: Battys c.

1953: Battys d.

1953: Battys dawn mists.

1953: Battys dawn mists over Wan Chai.

1953: Battys f.

1953: Battys from lower down road.

1953: Battys g.

1953: Battys h.

1953: Battys i.

1953: Battys j.

1953: Battys k.

1953: Battys l.

1953: Battys m.

1953: Battys n.

1953: Battys o.

: Battys p.

1953: Battys q.

1953: Battys r.

1981: June1981 - Stephen WONG Yuen Cheung with Lord MacLehose of Beoch (25th Gov of HK)

: Undated - Stephen WONG Yuen Cheung - at a Police Academy?

: Undated - Stephen WONG Yuen Cheung with Princess Alexandra

: Undated - Stephen WONG Yuen Cheung with Sir David Trench (24th Gov of HK)

: Undated- Stephen WONG Yuen Cheung with Lord MacLehose of Beoch (25th Gov of HK) and Lau Wong Fat
