Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Hilden being demolished

1930: Yunding temple, Xiamen Island (Amoy), ca. 1930

: Collection of matchboxes

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Hongkong. Residences about Midway between the Peak and the City.

1968: 1968 Lockhart Road - Bar Scene

: LL 022

: LL 022

: LL 022

: LL 022

: LL 022

1967: 1967 Manson House - Dairy Farm Ice & Cold Storage Co. Ltd

: PB 022

: PB 022

: PB 022

: PB 022

: LL 030

: LL 030

: LL 030

: LL 030

: PB 030

: Pb 030

: PB 030

: PB 030

: PB 030

1975: 1970s Park Hotel
